The secret burden that is impacting your fertility every day.

The little things aren't stopping you from getting pregnant. Something you’re dealing with everyday is having a bigger impact.

The secret burden that is impacting your fertility every day.
Photo by Ahtziri Lagarde / Unsplashdamnew

Sunday morning guilt.

You caved and had three champagnes at your bestie’s wedding yesterday.
Even after promising yourself AGAIN not to drink any alcohol.
The internal monologue whizzes around your head faster and faster.
"You’ve ruined your chances of conceiving this month. For what? Why’d you do it"

Cue the punishment….

Or better yet a solution to get back on track again.
This week I’m going to eat perfectly.
No coffee at all.
Early to bed every night.
Right? Yeah, that’s great,

Until it isn't.

Because the rules we create from all the advice is unattainable.
THEN, breaking one of the rules ends in devastation.
Complete defeat.

It’s a spiral.

You may be familiar with it too.
It's already so unfair you are struggling with something that so many women seem to do so easily.
Then you have to give up everything you love.
To be frank.
It's bullshit.

What if I told you, you don't give up everything?

The truth is you won’t ruin your chances of conceiving by having a few drinks at a wedding.
Or from that extra coffee, you desperately needed to get through work on Wednesday.

The little things aren't stopping you from getting pregnant each month.
Something you’re dealing with every day is having a bigger impact.

Your fertility doesn't demand perfection.

But the story you created in your head does.

It’s the story that is setting you up to fail.
I get it.
A fertility journey can feel like a marathon that you never trained for, let alone signed up for.

But, you can't expect to keep running the whole time.

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